
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Why in Progress?

So you may be wondering why my map post is titled, "In Progress". Well if you really think about it, our lives are continually in progress and this is because we are constantly changing and constantly moving. I would love to be able to add all the pictures and all the videos that I have, or my mom has of all the memories that were made.

And yet, it would be a never-ending flow of information and images, and memories. I have so many important memories, and have met so many important people who have impacted my life, that I would not want to leave anyone out, or make anyone more important than the last.

I may put pictures up; upload them on Flickr for the world to see, or I may not. I still have so much ahead of me. There is so much I want to do, want to see.

Oh and, for your entertainment, check out the "cornify" button on the top of my blog. Really, you'll enjoy it. If you're feeling bored/sad/mad/or any negative feeling, this is guaranteed to brighten your day. Thanks to my video teacher, Matt.

In Progress...

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Wednesday, March 4, 2009



1. How do we really know what the earliest "humans" or "homo sapiens" did when it came to their feeding habits? Did they migrate back to their camp? Did they have that nomad like quality? 
2. Think of how easy we have it today with maps, and easy landmarks to get us home. Every street with a name; now with GPS and satellites...does this in a sense, this abundance of "given" knowlege make us less primal? Primal in a sense that we as a human race seem to be given so much that if we were stranded, we would not be able to survive...true?
3. Maps in a sense are lies. The world, in every sense continues to change. So thus a map is only temporary? 
4. What about people or animals with a "sense of direction"? Does this "sense" actually exist? Can a person who is lost find their way through and internal connection or feeling with the world?
5. Is there anything you can not map? Such as infinity?