
Friday, January 23, 2009

My purse is ME

I have mail...

Not exactly the kind of mail I'd like to have though...such as letters, which are lovely, but very rare. Cards are nice too, especially when there's an extra little note inside that the sender specifically wrote to you. I save those.

But this mail, ehh not so much. This is MAIL.

When's the last time someone took the time to write out a letter, words from the heart, with a pen and ink??? (pencil is fine too, although it fades...). I enjoy writing letters, and writing them in calligraphy nonetheless. It just seems so personal and you can really express how you feel when you are physically painting each letter carefully onto a piece of paper. The authenticity of a handwritten letter really gives so much more meaning to the words.


It seems now the only thing that people are handwriting are numbers on checks and bills...and even that is dying out with online banking being so popular. Figures.

But really...think about it. How special does it make you feel when you receive a letter (I'll even take a post-it note at this point) and it's handwritten?? It seems to me that since it takes longer and you can't just backspace like I can here as I type this, that people have to put just a tad more pre-thinking before they actually write down their words.

Bills. That's what I have, bills and the same mass duplicated letters we all get trying to sell us the Discover card or show that Victoria's Secret is having yet another sale. Letters, bills, ads. MAIL.

The whole issue reminds me of America's situation in general as a matter of fact. Looking at America, I am worried yes with the downfall of our economy and government and the incredible amount of corruption that shapes our country. However, this downfall is necessary. People have gotten too far from values, and what really matters in the world. When you are on your death bed, or in a life and death situation, it is not your car, or your clothes, or your ipod/touch/phone that you'll be worried, whether you like it or not, at that time in your life human nature touches ground and actual important things like family and human caring come into play and the point where one could watch their Dolce and Gabbana product burn in front of their eyes.

This relates to America in the sense that in any situation, from the country's power, to value systems-what comes up, must come down.

We are born, we live, we die. Buds come out, leaves blossom then must die and fall to the ground. A country gains power, rises near the top, becomes corrupt off the hook losing all sense of value, then falls. This every situation, makes people realize what is important in life-and as simple and little of a thing as writing a letter by hand, and sending someone a note, "just because" helps you stay grounded, and helps you hold on to the tiniest bit of values that may be left.

Think about it.
It really is the small things you do to show you care that count.

Even if you write it on a post-it note.